Engineering Document Management System (EDMS) is a comprehensive software for managing the process, data, and documents of a project in the engineering phase. Besides the management of documents, this software is capable of managing all the related issues to the engineering phase of a project. Document distribution process, schedule and delay control, calculation of progress, timesheet and man hour of the project, Knowledge Management, and Invoices are some of the areas controlled by EDMS.
Document control center
- Displaying the list of MDR documents (Master Deliverable Register) in the form of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS View).
- Displaying the documents based on the transmittals (Transmittal View).
- Displaying the Commented documents (Comment View).
- Managing the Hold items.
- Project alarms and notifications.
- Displaying the Last Status of the project documents.
- Producing and registering the transmittals in accordance with the project format.
- Registering the Comment Sheet, Reply Sheet, and Conclusion.
- Receiving automated output of Transmittals, Comments, and Reply Sheets from the software, in Word and Excel formats.
- Registering the technical information, technical features, and relevant files of each document.
- Managing the Management Consultant Projects (MC)
- Displaying the list of documents in the forms of WBS (WBS View)
- Registering the information of the Hold Documents.
Management of Project Files
- Managing the files in three different ways: FTP protocol, directly in the databank, and connecting to the organization's File-Sharing system.
- Downloading and uploading the files considering the access level (Authorization).
- Retrieval and group accessing of files considering the access level (Authorization).
- Obtaining the Final Book.
Internal distribution of Engineering Documents
- Providing visual tools for defining the document distribution process in the engineering design team and client team.
- Defining the distribution matrix for the project.
- Calculating the permitted time for document distribution based on the coordination procedure and the schedule.
- Allocating a permitted time for taking actions on each document by the user.
- Uploading the files in each step of the process.
- Registering the timesheets in the document distribution path.
- Observing the details of the distribution and last status of the documents in each step.
- Observing the work hours of the staff on the documents.
- Registering internal notes.
- Creating notifications, alarms, and announcements via automatic emailing system.
Project control and resource management
- Defining the scenario of Issue and POI (Propose of Issue) for each document.
- Determining the scenario of progress for the documents.
- Calculating the delay in the Issue of documents and deviation from the schedule.
- Defining the Weight Factor of the documents.
- Registering or importing the schedule and activities of the project.
- Automatic calculation of the percentage of progress for the documents.
- Automatic calculation of the Actual Progress of the project.
- Calculating the planned progress of the project based on the schedule.
- Comparing the Actual Progress with the Planned Progress of the project.
- Separating the documents of the subcontractors.
- Registering the schedule and calculating the progress of the contractors.
- Defining the planned man-hour for the documents.
- Calculating the weight factor of the documents based on the inserted man-hour.
- Defining the planned internal man/hour for the documents in the engineering team.
- Calculating the inserted actual man/hour, and comparing it with the planned man/hour
- Creating and drawing the calendar and histogram of the human resources of the project.
- Managing the work time (Timesheet) of the engineering team along with the relevant reports.
- Analyzing and comparing the human resources in the projects at the same time.
- Defining the foreign exchange unit of the project.
- Defining the CBS (Cost Breakdown System) for each document and calculating the total price of the project.
- Calculating the monetary value of each document.
- Calculating the CBS of the documents based on the weight factor and total price of the project.
- Calculating the Invoices.
Project correspondence system
- Automatic connection with AFAM's PATS software.
- Enabling users to relate the correspondence and documents.
- Classifying the correspondence of the project.
- Registering various actions on each correspondence and allocating them to the individuals involved in the project.
- Registering the Action Report on the allocated actions with the capability of alarming and reminding.
Management of engineering documents of purchase and connecting it to the EDMS software
- Registering various documents, including TBA, TBE, MR, and MTO, and automatic transfer to the purchase module (PPMS).
- Establishment of connection between the MR documents and the technical documents of the project (e.g. maps, datasheets, etc.) in order to set the appendices and attachments of the purchase requests.
- Registering the details of the BOM (Bill of Materials) or transferring them from an Excel file to the software.
- Receiving technical bids from the Logistics Department.
- Technical Clarification.
- Producing TBE and TBA documents and sending them to the Logistics Department.
- Observing the progress status of the purchase process for each MR document.
- Managing the engineering documents of the Vendor companies (VDR).
Reports and dashboards
- Receiving the last status report of the documents.
- Observing the history of documents.
- Receiving the delay reports of the client, contractor, and subcontractors.
- Presenting the report and dashboard of progress of the project including the Actual Progress and Planned Progress.
- Presenting a summary of the documents status, based on separated of Technical units
- Calculating the Standard Deviation and Variance.
- Reporting the project delay based on the schedule.
- Calculating the percentage of progress for each information field in the project separately.
- Presenting the report of the amount of man/hour spent and comparing it with the schedule.
- Receiving the report of the amount of man/hour spent for a piece of document or a set of documents.
- Drawing the S-Curve of the project including both actual and planned diagrams.
- Calculating the income flow based on the Invoices and paid amounts.
- Receiving the project portfolio report.
Knowledge management in the project
- Defining the Feed documents of the project and establishing a connection between these documents and the main documents.
- Defining miscellaneous documents of the project.
- Registering the Technical Sheet for each document.
- Inserting searchable technical descriptions and keywords.
- Creating a library of classifiable technical information
- Registering and uploading the general references and documents such as standards, instructions, catalogs, etc.
- Defining a checklist of document preparation and review for a piece of document or a set of documents.
- Registering the reasons for applied changes in the project.
- Registering the Lesson Learn of the project.
- Advanced search in technical subjects based on the pre-defined keywords.
Features of admin
- Defining the project and proposal.
- Importing the documents information via Excel software.
- Defining custom fields.
- Importing the schedule via Excel software.
- Importing the transmittals, comments, and previous pre-requirements via Excel software.
- Importing the schedule.
- Defining the pre-requirements.
- Defining separate coordination procedures for each project.
- Defining the users and staff of the organization.
- Defining the staff and organizational chart of the projects.
- Defining the access level (authorization) of the users.
- General settings of the standard module.
- Setting the file-sharing and emailing system.
- designing Module of documents internal distribution process.
- Setting the timesheets.
- General settings of the advanced package.