Technical Spec.

One of the major strong points of AFAM’s PMIS software lies in the developer team’s experience in contributing to multiple different projects at the same time and knowing different aspects and real atmosphere of the projects and, then, integrating this experience with their capabilities in the field of mechanized systems development.

The software developer team has been closely engaged in different projects with different conditions and is, thus, familiar with all aspects and dimensions of the job. Therefore, when designing this software, this team has taken into consideration features that not only facilitate the user-friendliness of the software but also make it an applicable product in the best possible way. Some of the technical features of this software are described in the following sections.   

1- Data flow management

In fact, the main duty of any PMIS system is to activate and manage the data flow in the projects. By designing different processes and taking into account the contributions of the users in these processes, AFAM’s software provides a suitable data flow for the management of projects in any project.

2- Remote access

AFAM’s PMIS software provides the ground for concurrent users in both intra-organizational and extra-organizational environments on the web platform.

3- OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)

Since the software has been implemented with the Client/Server feature, all transactions will be registered on the server and the result will be automatically updated in other relevant systems at the same time.

4- Integrate system

The system integrity and the databank integrity are other features of this system. The entities in this system have been embedded in a unit and integrated manner.

5- Multi-project management feature

AFAM’s PMIS software is capable to define multiple different projects with different conditions at the same time. This means that, by using this software, any number of projects with any features, conditions, and agreements can be defined for the system and then, by allocating the human resources to the project, the organizational structure of the projects can be formed.

6- Unlimited concurrent users

Serving concurrent users is another feature of AFAM’s PMIS software. There is no limitation for the number of concurrent users of the software and, thus, regarding the predefined access levels (authorizations), the users can access the processes and information of the system.

7- Security

When designing different modules in AFAM’s PMIS, the focus was put on the issue of security in the two categories of entry security and data access security. So, the issue of security has been taken into consideration in both of these two cases.

By defining a password for users, which can be changed by them, the users will be allowed to enter the system. In this regard, the user’s access to different sections of the program including access to the projects, access to the data, applying editions to each section (including the capability of changing, creating, deleting, or confirming an item), observing the resources, and other similar cases are all permits that can be defined the system admin for the users.

In addition to the above-mentioned cases, which are the base of the internal design of the system’s structure, the security consideration in relation to network, server, and databank are among the security layers that guarantee the data security during the installation of the system in the organization.

8- Flexibility and adjustability of the admin module

Having a comprehensive admin module is one of the outstanding features of this software. The admin user can completely define the definitions and processes of each project.

9- Connectability to EXCEL software

One of the advantages of AFAM’s software is that its data can be imported to EXCEL at any moment and vice versa.

10- Data import

One of the features of AFAM’s PMIS software is that the data of the previous projects can be automatically imported to the software by the predefined formats in EXCEL.

11- Customized reports

Due to the diversity of the requests. In each of the system modules, the user can easily define the conditions and even the output format of the reports.

12- Smartness and presentation of offers and warnings

In all software products subordinate to AFAM’s PMIS system, different warnings and notifications are presented for the user considering the predefined procedure for each project, analysis of the schedule, and other settings of the software.

13- Good user interface

AFAM team, relying on their practical experience, have taken into consideration the practical experiences of the users in working with the software and project processes when designing the user interfaces; therefore, they have accomplished providing a good user interface for the software users.

14- Capability of designing the project processes

One of the most important features of a project management information system is its capability to support the project processes. Thus, one of the outstanding features of AFAM’s PMIS software is its capability to provide a platform for defining the project processes. In the software admin module, an environment has been provided in which the admin user, by defining the project entities, can visually depict the relevant processes in accordance with the project conditions.

15- Project files management

Project files management is another considerable feature of AFAM’s products, in addition to the classification of the files with the capability of separating the native files, other features of AFAM’s software include the classification of the information and data as well as the capability of content search inside the files

16- Supporting email communication

In addition to the notification system, this software also uses the emailing system as another method for informing the users. At any stage of the processes, this software can use the email system for rapid informing of the users.